Posts in storytelling

Story in action in Dragon’s Den

Happy New Year! I thought I’d start with a great and recent example of the power of[…]


One of the biggest challenges in storytelling is applying it to yourself. Roles at work for example[…]

Value Of Coaching – Survey Findings

I and fellow Henley qualified coach Kate Wallace of First Foot Forward recently carried out some research into[…]

Football, coaching and kaleidoscopes…

I read a fascinating piece in the Guardian, by the novelist Rebecca Watson about her love for[…]

Show don’t tell

As a big movie fan, I have really got into the podcast series, the Cine Files, which[…]

“Your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them.” 

So said Obi Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker when Luke is having his first lightsaber lesson in[…]

The Hero’s Journey

As a child I particularly loved Greek mythology, and in the 70s and 80s was a fan of[…]

Storytelling – an ancient tradition

I love movies…I love books…I love stories! And today stories continue to permeate every part of our[…]