5 steps to wellbeing

I enjoy the podcasts of the neuroscientist Andrew D. Huberman., “the Huberman Lab”. Like Rich Roll and Tim Ferris, whom I also greatly admire, he’s a proponent of the long form podcast, and the way he’s able to talk what feels like non-stop about a particular topic for 2.5 hours is incredible.

His podcasts are science-centric, and designed to share insight on science-based tools which can help with daily life.

Most recently I listened to a Tim Ferris podcast with Andrew (I know, 2 for the price of one, right!) where he talked about the five pillars of physical and mental health. I come across many posts where the “secret” to great health and a great life seem to involve getting up at 5am, sub-dividing your day into tiny chunks, and making every tiny chunk super productive and meaningful. My reaction is normally “Erm, you clearly don’t have children, or a full time job…”

So I love the simplicity and easy applicability of Andrew’s pillars, so here they are…

👉 Get a good night’s sleep – helps balance your dopamine levels, and keeps you alert during the day
👉Try and get some sunlight exposure, preferably in the morning, even for just a few minutes – helps set the circadian rhythm (or body clock)
👉Movement – walking, running, cycling, dancing… even a 20 minute walk helps with dopamine levels. Ideally a blend of strength and cardiovascular exercise if you can.
👉A nutritious diet – try and get 80% of your food from unprocessed or minimally processed sources. Tim Spector’s “Food For Life” is a really good book on nutrition, and the importance of gut health in particular.
👉Social Connection / Relationships, and that can include the relationship with youself.

Hope this helps 😊 

